Vecdi Erbay
Etimesgut subprefect Cumali Atilla who had been appointed as kayyım [*] to Diyarbakır in November 2016 had de facto shut down the City Theater by not renewing the agreements of the 31 actors/actresses of the theater. In the time being, the actors/actresses of Diyarbakır City Theater weren’t able to perform the plays that they’d prepared for the new season. They also went through hard times economically.
Şanoya Bajer ya Amedê (Amed City Theater) consists of actors/actresses in Diyarbakır that produce theater in Kurdish, and it will open the curtain for the stand-up show “Dawiya Dawi” by the artist Özcan Ateş [+].
These artists who had spent years in theater work and had gulped the dust of the stage [-] did not stay idle despite these hard times. They first took the decision not to disperse, and then they went on to find a stage. Almost all of the stages available for theater plays belong to the municipalities, and since kayyıms were appointed to the municipalities, it wasn’t easy to find a hall. Finally they found the hall too. Actors/actresses, directors, writers and the technical team, all of them cooperated to convert the stage from an unusable state into a usable state. Working day and night, they prepared the seats, the lights, and the stage in order to perform their new play.
On February 11 Saturday, 3 pm, Amed City Theater will launch in Diyar Galeria. In the stand-up show “Dawiya Dawi” (Eventually) directed by Kemal Gökhan Gürses, [%] Özcan Ateş tells about social reactions via the stories that he experienced. It will be performed on 3 pm and 6 pm.
The event will also include an exhibition of paintings by Zehra Doğan [■] made in prison. Doğan’s oil paintings will be presented for the appreciation of those interested in art with the exhibition “4 Months 25 Days”.
10 February 2017 — gazeteduvar.com.tr