In Beliefeld – Germany, the fourth conference of the West Kurdistan intellectuals’ Union was held on 25-26/01/2014.
At the beginning, the establishment conference of the union was held to express genially the spirit of 12th March Strike 2004 anniversary echoing the conscience and inspiration of the Kurdish nation. Therefore, because the existing circumstances now are identical to those of that period, the administrative committee and most of the members had agreed that it was high time to proceed doing their best efforts to meet the demands and requirements of the time being.
As a result, the presentation committee together with the majority of the members had reached an agreement to invite the West Kurdistan intellectuals through various kinds of media to come and participate in the conference. To contribute and to resurrect the union, to continue what had stemmed up from the March Strike and strongly express their people’s conscience, sufferings and hopes of demonstration which emerged out from Syria against the Tyrant and his gangs and to join our people in their revolution; calling for freedom, justice, dignity and equality after huge sacrifices during where hundreds of our people’s sons, daughters have fallen martyrs defending their territory and their people against the aggressive power which has always wanted them to be under the control of oppression and slavery.
At the beginning of the conference, the conferences prolongedly discussed the agenda and rules of procedure where essential modifications and changes had taken place.
The attendees confirmed the necessity of being involved in enforcing our people’s achievements that had been fulfilled so far because of our martyrs’ blood and the highly revolutionary efforts which we are extremely proud of.
They greatly estimated the woman’s rule and her advanced position and effective participation in this crucial stage of our nation’s history.
They assured firmly on the importance and necessity of other West Kurdistan intellectuals’ participation who could not attend the 4th conference because of their bad circumstances.
However, doors are open widely to every intellectual to take part in the conference’s work, whatever his concepts, thoughts and opinions that don’t contradict with the Unions principles and goals because it is an open collective variety based on an objective reciprocal discussion approving criticism and the universal values agreed upon ; all of which impose on us to do our best to achieve the above common goals and to unify our efforts to edit and distribute our culture and language within the frame of supporting and protecting them.
In the end, certain resolutions and recommendations were concluded:
-To hold three conferences within the period of two years; in AMAD-Turkey, in HAWLEIR or SLEIMANYA and the general one will be on the territory of West Kurdistan, KHAMICHLO.
-To promote relationships with the international institutions and organizations which meet in their common views and concepts our Union’s.
-To update and improve the electronic site of ( rojava.net ) as well as the other social communication sites.
The conference’s agenda ended after the administrative board members were elected on 26/01/2014.
Solidarity with our people inside the country.
Freedom to all those who have been arrested, imprisoned by the Syrian regime because of their opinions, cultures, concepts and legal demands.
Evert live noble human values.
Fourth Conference of the West Kurdistan Intellectuals’ Union